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Greg Holden

Class of 2018


Clear Lake Golf Course is a model of environmental stewardship principally due to the efforts and innovation of its Superintendent from 1993 until 2017, Greg Holden. Known by the nickname “Turf”, Holden was born in St. Boniface, Manitoba in 1951 and had his post-secondary education at the University of Manitoba and Fairview College.

Holden’s environmental awareness became a passion during his involvement with the expedition “Las Balsas”. This epic trip involved a trans Pacific voyage of three rafts from Ecuador to Australia.

He was the author of the environmental section of the successful bid by the Clear Lake Golf Foundation to Parks Canada to operate the golf course.

As Superintendent, Holden has more than fulfilled the commitment to ensure an environmentally sensitive and sustainable golf course. Initiatives include employing organic fertilizer programs and non-chemical approaches to controlling weeds and disease; a re-cycling program that has reduced material sent to landfill by 80%; composting grass clippings and kitchen waste with dry carbon-based material for use on greens and flower beds; use of composting toilets to reduce water usage by over 300,000 gallons per season; and utilizing used cooking oils to make bio-diesel to operate equipment.

Holden has been recognized by the Manitoba Eco-Network with its 2009 Environmental Stewardship Award “in recognition of significant contributions to the protection and awareness of Manitoba’s environment” and with the 2012 Little Saskatchewan River Conservation Award. Holden was honoured by the Manitoba Golf Superintendents Association as the 2012 Superintendent of the Year and by the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association as the 2017 Superintendent of the Year.

He has also given back to his profession by assisting other superintendents whenever asked, educating the public on the importance of the profession and by serving on the board of the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association between 2003 and 2012 including a term as President in 2010.

Greg Holden is an inductee into the Manitoba Golf Hall of Fame and Museum Inc., September 24, 2018.

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