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Raymond Savard

Class of 2013


Developing a new golf course while keeping an old one in operation was a crowning accomplishment for Raymond Savard as a 35-year career as golf course superintendent came to a close.

Born in Winnipeg January 5, 1949, Savard became course superintendent at the old Charleswood Golf Club in 1976 and held that position until 1988, when he took on the superintendent duties at the Southwood Golf and Country Club. He retired from that position after the 2011 season.
He was an active member of the Manitoba Golf Superintendents Association for 35 years and belonged to the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association for 31 years. He served on the board in several capacities before becoming president of the MGSA in 1986-87. He was on the CGSA board of directors from 1988 to 1992.
Savard was chosen Manitoba superintendent of the year in 1989 and 2011 and received the John B. Steel Distinguished Service Award from the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association in 2011 for outstanding lifetime contribution to the advancement of the profession of Golf Course Superintendent.

The national award, which bears the name of the first superintendent inducted into the Manitoba Golf Hall of Fame, was awarded in part in recognition of the efforts Savard and his staff put in on double duty on the construction and grow-in of the new Southwood course in St. Norbert while maintaining the old Southwood course in Fort Garry.

During his career, Ray Savard always kept up with latest developments in course management and was available to provide assistance when fellow superintendents required a hand. He has also been an active volunteer in the community with the Christmas Cheer Board of Winnipeg, where he has been an integral part of the delivery of Christmas hampers.

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